Know Systemic Racism Data Lab
libraries + data science + digital humanities
Knowledge Graph
The Know Systemic Racism Knowledge Graph is a project to construct a richly connected graph of events, people, organizations, and people to reveal connections between discrete collections of data and the people behind the data.

Visualizing Fatal Encounters
This is work based on the data set collected by D. Brian Burghardt that is made available for download at We are working, primarily, with the records of Black people who died during encounters with the police in California. We have visualized the data so we can begin to explore it.

California MEI
This is the code and data for an app in development that makes information about military equipment used by California law enforcement agencies discoverable.

California LEAs
This is a list of California law enforcement agencies (LEAs) with coordinate locations of headquarters and webaarchived links to the LEA websites.

California Map
These experiments plotting data on an interactive map of California will contribute to other applications for data discovery.

Digital Traces
This is graph data and a conversational interface to a neo4j database to query the graph. It is based on work done during the winter 2023 course Digital Traces.

Simple Sabotage
Nothing here, yet. This is a placeholder for an article we will write on how to make policies and inventories more accessible to the public following the model of collections as data.

Stanford Entities
This is the start of collecting graph data from Stanford-related library projects.

This is a prototype Question/Answer app that uses as the source a set of oral history transcripts from Black Stanford students and faculty.